Welcome to Dr. kabandizes website the number one spiritual healer and a spells caster in Kenya Uganda and Tanzania, Am gifted to cast powerful and genuine spells in the world. Having grown up with my grandfather a local mganga (witch doctor) in the coastal town of Mombasa in Kenya, I learn my trend at the age of five years my grandfather chose me as his successor for he hard seen in me the gift of black magic. At a young age i could identify the nature of different weeds ,roots and there uses for example roots of cure,goodwill and fortune.
Mganga kabandize

My best Services

  1. Love portion
  2. Marriage spells
  3. Wealth protection
  4. Business spells
  5. Magic rings
  6. Exorcism of evil spirits
  7. Return lost items
  8. Money spells
  9. Lottery/betting spells
  10. Help win court cases

Herbal Treatment;

  1. Control early ejaculation
  2. Improve sexual desires
  3. Boost manhood
  4. Increase manbood size
  5. Vaginal tightening
  6. Infertility problems
  7. Sexual satisfaction during intercourse ……..more 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻